Disclaimer and Intellectual Property Notice

Effective Date February 28, 2023 (last updated February 28, 2023)


It is ChemTreat’s goal, as far as is possible, to ensure that the information published herein is accurate and up-to-date. ChemTreat reserves the right to alter the content of the website at any time and without prior notice.

However, ChemTreat cannot guarantee that the information will always be completely accurate, up-to-date or comprehensive. Every user fully accepts the risks involved in using this information.

As a result, ChemTreat declines all responsibility for any vagueness, inaccuracy or omission in the information available on the website, and for any damage resulting from the illicit intrusion of a third party, which may subsequently have led to the modification of information or other elements available on the website. The components of the website are provided “as is” without any implicit or explicit guarantee of any kind. ChemTreat gives no guarantee whatsoever, be it implicitly or explicit, relating to their value or appropriateness for a given purpose.

Intellectual Property

All information that appears on the website is either the property of ChemTreat, or used under license, and is protected by copyright laws, both in the US and the rest of the world.  Copies of documents contained on the website may be made for reference purposes only, and solely for single and strictly private use. No licenses to intellectual property rights, or any rights other than the right to consult the website, will be granted to anyone. The reproduction of documents on the website is permitted for reference purposes only and for private and personal use: any reproduction or use of a copy for other purposes is strictly prohibited.

Unless otherwise specified, all company names, logos, products and brands mentioned on the website are the property of ChemTreat and may not be used without prior written authorization from ChemTreat.

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