FillerScrub™ On-Line Filler Cleaner Technology

Don’t Stop Your Flow

Taking the fillers in your bottling facility off-line can result in lost production, high water usage, and other operational expenses. ChemTreat’s FillerScrub helps facilities decrease operating expenses by extending the time between cleanings. This innovative on-line technology keeps your fillers clean longer and decreases operating expenses by reducing off-line cleaning time and frequency.

Keep Your Fillers Clean Longer to Improve Your KPIs

Facilities that have tried FillerScrub technology have experienced the following benefits:

How It Works

FillerScrub was designed for on-line application. Our team installs nozzles in the most problematic areas of your filler so the cleaning solution can be sprayed regularly to reduce deposition, product buildup, and factors that may contribute to microbiological growth.


The results of this technology speak for themselves. Check out some before and after pictures at a facility that applied our cleaner on their fillers:


Ready to increase your production capacity and reduce operational costs with ChemTreat’s on-line filler cleaners? Contact us today!

Want to Learn More?

Contact us today to schedule a demo.

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